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Tips & tricks

Some tips to get you and your organisation started on your social media journey.


“All content is good content, right?”

Yes and no- it depends. 

Any content is definitely better than no content, but if you’re not putting in the research then you’re wasting your time. There is so much content on Facebook, without proper research your content will be lost. It’s really important to know WHEN to post. Pay close attention to the ‘insights’ page on your Facebook, look for trends. Optimise your time.

Who’s attention do you want?

It’s important to think long and hard about who your audience is. Create one or two people in your head who are your ideal audience. Think about what motivates them and what content would appeal to them. Consider what their social media feed currently looks like, how do you fit into that.

Many non-profit’s will have two distinct audience members, the clients they serve and the donors they want to appeal to. You need two separate types of content to engage both these audiences.


Set it and forgot it.

The scheduling tool on Facebook is your best friend! Use it! Find a calendar with the public holidays and important dates, and create your content around those and fill the gaps. Then schedule it on Facebook and forget about it. 

Make sure it’s a New Zealand calendar, you need to be posting on the 25th of April and not the 4th of July!

Don’t totally forget about it…

While scheduling content in advance is the best use of your time, it’s important to remember what your brand is saying and when they’re saying it. If major breaking news happens make sure you pause all of your posts. Coming of as tone-deaf can be really detrimental to your social media presence. Reread the posts and see if they’re still appropriate and consider if people will be looking at their social media anyway.
Get in touch if you want help with your social media.